Live video: We'll determine course of the world for years to come pledges President Trump

Donald Trump is sworn in as the 45th president of the United States by Chief Justice John Roberts as Melania Trump looks onDonald Trump is sworn in as the 45th president of the United States by Chief Justice John Roberts as Melania Trump looks on
Donald Trump is sworn in as the 45th president of the United States by Chief Justice John Roberts as Melania Trump looks on
US President Donald Trump told Americans he will 'rebuild our country' and change the course taken by the world 'for many, many years to come'.

Mr Trump’s promise came in an Inaugural Address delivered moments after he became the 45th president of the United States by swearing the oath of office on the steps of the Capitol building in Washington DC.

“We the citizens of America are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and restore its promise for all of our people,” said the new president.


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“Together we will determine the course of America and the world for many, many years to come.

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President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama stand with President-elect Donald Trump and his wife Melania Trump at the White HousePresident Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama stand with President-elect Donald Trump and his wife Melania Trump at the White House
President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama stand with President-elect Donald Trump and his wife Melania Trump at the White House

“We will face challenges, we will confront hardships, but we will get the job done.”

President Trump said: “We are grateful to President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for their gracious aid throughout this transition.

“They have been magnificent.”

The President said the inauguration was not merely transferring power from one administration to another but “from Washington DC and giving it back to you, the people”.

Presidential approval ratings comparedPresidential approval ratings compared
Presidential approval ratings compared

He added: “For too long a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost.

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“Washington flourished but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered but the jobs left and the factories closed.

“The establishment protected itself but not the citizens of our country.”

He added: “That all changes starting right here and right now because this moment is your moment and it belongs to you.”

President-elect Donald Trump and his wife Melania arrives for a church service in WashingtonPresident-elect Donald Trump and his wife Melania arrives for a church service in Washington
President-elect Donald Trump and his wife Melania arrives for a church service in Washington

Mr Trump told Americans “this is your day, this is your celebration, and this United States of America is your country”.

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He went on: “What truly matters is not which party controls our government but whether our government is controlled by the people.

“January 20 2017 will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again.

“The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.”

He went on: “Everyone is listening to you now.

“You came by the tens of millions to become part of a historic movement the likes of which the world has never seen before.

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The crowd starts to fill the National Mall as the sun rises before the swearing in of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the Untied StateThe crowd starts to fill the National Mall as the sun rises before the swearing in of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the Untied State
The crowd starts to fill the National Mall as the sun rises before the swearing in of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the Untied State

“At the centre of this movement is a crucial conviction - that a nation exists to serve its citizens.”

The president said Americans want “great schools for their children, safe neighbourhoods for their families and good jobs for themselves.”

Mr Trump said: “These are just and reasonable demands of righteous people and a righteous public. But for too many of our citizens, a different reality exists.

“Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities. Rusted-out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation. An education system flush with cash but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge.

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“And the crime, and the gangs, and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealised potential.

“This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.”

The tycoon-turned-politician took the oath of office at 5pm UK time to become the 45th president of the United States.

Earlier, Barack Obama left the Oval Office for the final time to meet Mr Trump at the White House ahead of the inauguration.

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The outgoing president stood on the steps of the White House with first lady Michelle Obama to welcome Mr Trump, fresh from a family visit to church, for tea as he gets ready to become the 45th president of the United States.

Mr Trump and Melania will have tea with the Obamas before travelling together in the presidential limousine for the short trip to the US Capitol building.

Tens of thousands of people across the world are preparing to stage protests as the swearing-in of the new premier takes place, including in Washington DC, where protesters clashed with police outside a pro-Trump rally.

Footage posted on social media appeared to show police use pepper spray to disperse the protesters while smoke was also seen filling the street.

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Elsewhere, banners were draped from bridges over the world in a show of defiance against what has been interpreted as Mr Trump’s “politics of hate”.

As Mr Trump’s inauguration edged closer, the outgoing president urged people to believe “not in my ability to bring about change, but in yours”.

He tweeted: “It’s been the honor of my life to serve you. You made me a better leader and a better man.”

And in a clip entitled What’s Next From Barack And Michelle Obama, the couple urged Americans to contribute to their plans for a “living, working centre for citizenship” in Chicago.

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Aming the dignitaries and VIPs arriving at the US Capitol building were former president Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary, whom Mr Trump defeated in a bitter contest that left America divided.

Former vice president Dick Cheney was also seen arriving at the Capitol, pausing to chat with Mr Trump’s new chief strategist, former Breitbart News boss Steve Bannon.

Ahead of the big set piece, Mr Trump Tweeted: “It all begins today! I will see you at 11:00 A.M. for the swearing-in. THE MOVEMENT CONTINUES - THE WORK BEGINS!”

Thousands of Trump supporters, many wearing hats declaring Make America Great Again, made the journey to the federal capital.

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Michelle Obama arrived at the inauguration platform, standing alongside Mrs Clinton and former president Bush.

And there was applause and cheers from the crowd when Mrs Trump walked down the steps, accompanied by a military escort, to the platform.

Mr Trump’s swearing-in is thought to have attracted around 800,000 people to Washington, compared with the 1.8 million who attended Mr Obama’s first inauguration.

Mr Obama, accompanied by his friend Mr Biden, was greeted by similar applause and cheers as he walked down the steps to the platform.

He had a broad smile on his face as he greeted dignitaries, before warmly shaking hands with members of Mr Trump’s family.

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