YP Letters: Quit single market to ensure independence

Theresa May should seek the advice of Sir James Dyson over Brexit, says reader Terry Watson.Theresa May should seek the advice of Sir James Dyson over Brexit, says reader Terry Watson.
Theresa May should seek the advice of Sir James Dyson over Brexit, says reader Terry Watson.
From: Terry Watson, Adel.

THE Prime Minister should listen to one of the world’s most successful businessmen, Sir James Dyson. His exports of vacuum cleaners worldwide have earned him an estimated fortune of £3.2bn. He said we should not remain in the single market. If the EU still want to trade with us, all well and good but we are certainly not dependent on them.

Only six per cent of our manufacturers export to the EU, but the other 94 per cent are strangled by red tape from Brussels which we must be rid of so that Britain can blossom. Theresa May must make it clear that seventeen million plus people voted to leave the EU and go back to what we voted for in the first place, a common market for trade only.

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EU bosses are issuing all kinds of threats because they know they can’t afford to lose the £275m extorted from Britain every week.

Mrs May must now prove she is the “Heir to Thatcher” (her words) and make it clear we are not paying to be in the single market when we leave. We will still trade with EU countries who want us to but we are having full control of our borders and fishing grounds.