YP Letters: Theresa May's EU deal is simply not Brexit

Can the Parliamentary deadlock over Brexit be reconciled?Can the Parliamentary deadlock over Brexit be reconciled?
Can the Parliamentary deadlock over Brexit be reconciled?
From: Nick Martinek, Briarlyn Road, Huddersfield.

THE UK is not actually going to leave the EU on March 29, 2019 whatever Theresa May says.

The date can be delayed by Ministerial fiat (EU Withdrawal Act 2018), but why bother, when Mrs May’s Draft Withdrawal Agreement (DWA) isn’t Brexit?

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The DWA is the “transition” version of Chequers, which is a revolving-door Remain.

The vast majority of our MPs are rotten, jelly-like entities, only concerned with the short-sighted aim of preserving their jobs. They have nearly achieved the destruction of our democracy.

Who in the world can now trust the UK after this? Our friends when we won’t even defend ourselves?

Our enemies in the EU and elsewhere know we will roll over.

The only possible outcome that saves the UK is a World Trade Organisation deal.

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But the Tory party is too rotten to do it, and too indescribably stupid. And so Mrs May is well on the way to her Remain victory thanks to the pusillanimous peculating Tory MPs. I hope I’m wrong, but hope never wins wars.

From: David Collins, Scissett.

DEMOCRACY in the UK is under threat. It is under threat from our MPs.

They asked a question and got an answer. It was Brexit. Now they must do as they were told.

If MPs can’t accept Brexit, they have two choices. Either withdraw from the debate and keep out of the way, or resign their seat forthwith.

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The rest then need to get on with it, using the best brains available.

There is no room for party politics, after all political parties only have less than a million members in total.

The other millions of us are more interested in results than petty Parliamentary quarrels.

If not, the EU will be the least of our problems, it will be Westminster itself that is in danger of becoming even more meaningless.

From: Gordon Lawrence, Sheffield.

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THE Northern Ireland backstop could possibly keep us in the EU indefinitely, but I cannot concur with Remain assertions that the chaos generated by the bureaucratic excesses of Brussels invalidates the whole idea of wanting to leave. What an extraordinary insinuation!

Surely the lesson from that is to get out before escape is terminal.

The Commission’s imperial designs, with even an EU army planned, is a major threat to the English nation as an identity but that grievous possibility is hardly mentioned in arguments heavily weighted on economics which, in spite of the Treasury’s and Bank of England’s predictions, is as debatable as one’s allegiances.

David Cameron was narrowly elected on the grounds of offering a referendum.

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Vast sections of the population were fed up with Brussels and had been so for years. It was the sheer obduracy of the EU Commission, who humiliated Cameron which sealed the Leave vote: they have since found it profitable, as exemplified by the poverty of the May deal, to continue their uncompromising strategy.

The man I blame is Ted Heath.

It was his fervour, dedication and tunnel vision for the Brussels project that was responsible for getting us entwined in this nightmarish web.

From: John Turley, Dronfield Woodhouse.

ARTHUR Quarmby (The Yorkshire Post, December 11) suggests that we should be more worried about the impact of a Jeremy Corbyn victory on the economy than that of a hard or no deal Brexit.

However, due to the antics of the Brexiteers, it is now looking increasingly likely that we could end up with both.

From: Mick Walton, Armthorpe, Doncaster.

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THE Brexit deal Theresa May is trying to foist on the British people is simply to suit big business and nobody else.

Paying in £39bn a year, and taking all the EU rules with no say in the making of those rules, is an indefensible position to be in.

Sentences are too lenient

From: Bob Watson, Baildon.

THE Prison Reform Trust (PRT), using some Council of Europe data, tells us that UK jail terms are “out of kilter with Europe”, as reported in The Yorkshire Post recently.

Well, they may be “out of kilter”, but that doesn’t make them wrong.

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Indeed, it is no real surprise that the PRT takes that view when its stated stance is “reducing unnecessary imprisonment and promoting community solutions.”

On the contrary, there are very many people in this country who consider our justice system to be broken because sentences are too lenient, terms actually served are too short, and prison is not the deterrent that it should be.

I would suggest that we take anything promoted by the Trust with a massive pinch of salt.

Making a meal of it

From: Carol Warrington, Sicklinghall, Wetherby.

I AGREE with Christine Jagger’s remarks in her letter ‘Spoiling the Show’ (The Yorkshire Post, December 13).

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A few months ago, my daughter and I went to a concert at Leeds Arena.

Throughout the whole concert, there were people backwards and forwards, bringing in drinks and food, so we were constantly having to get up to let them past and then put up with the rustling of food being unwrapped and tins of drink being opened.

She had brought some sandwiches to eat in the foyer before we went in to the auditorium as she had not had the opportunity to eat before 
she came out. That was confiscated when our bags 
were searched before we even 
got through the door.

At one time in a theatre, the bars were closed when a concert or play started.