YP Letters: Why leaving the EU would be positive step for environment

Prime Minister David Cameron gives evidence on the EU referendum as he appears before the Liaison Committee of the House of Commons.Prime Minister David Cameron gives evidence on the EU referendum as he appears before the Liaison Committee of the House of Commons.
Prime Minister David Cameron gives evidence on the EU referendum as he appears before the Liaison Committee of the House of Commons.
From: Tim Hunter, Farfield Avenue, Knaresborough.

SO, Ed Miliband has warned that an EU exit would be bad for wildlife and the environment?

I’d argue the reverse – an EU exit would have a positive environmental effect, because we’d not have to pave over our countryside to build all the new houses necessitated by uncontrolled immigration within the EU.

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We are rapidly reaching the point in the UK where there would be no capacity left, in living space terms, for further immigration. In employment terms, we need to make do with those that are already here, and, if they don’t have the right skills, then we should re-train them.

All responsible politicians should all accept this – right across the political spectrum. Unfortunately, we have politicians who wish to allow uncontrolled immigration and all of their parties are now proposing to build at least 200,000 houses annually. That would be two million homes in 10 years.

However, I’d argue two million more homes would be the absolute maximum the country could ever take.

From: John Walker, Ilkley.

IT is difficult to see how the “Out” voters at the referendum can lose. Should the result go against them in June, then presumably all the “Out” voters of all political parties will vote for Ukip at the next General Election. We would then have a coalition government with the balance of power in Ukip’s hands. That possibility should concentrate the minds of the party policy wonks.

From: Terry Palmer, Hoyland.

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A TYPICAL campaign run from the little republicans whose aim is to make the UK a small colony dependent on a federal Europe.

1. Set out the argument. 2. Stifle opposite views. 3. Sneer at opposing views and insult people. 4. Start to panic as polls indicate support for the opposite view. 5. Make threats. 6. Really start to panic. 7. Lie, lie, lie. 8. Throw toys out of pram.

From: Hugh Rogers, Ashby.

THANKS to JW Buckley for his amusing letter (The Yorkshire Post, May 2), setting out what he calls “facts” about continued EU membership. They are, of course not “facts” at all, but mere assertions. Most of them are wrong anyway. How is it “healthier” to work with others? Rubbish. Politicians are all the same? This, too, is a dodgy premise, but it doesn’t matter – the EU is run by unelected bureaucrats who don’t care what we think.