£1 Bradford Odeon building sale sealed

Bradford's mothballed Odeon CinemaBradford's mothballed Odeon Cinema
Bradford's mothballed Odeon Cinema
The sale of Bradford’s former Odeon cinema building for £1 has been completed.

Bradford Council is inviting bids to develop the city centre landmark after completing the purchase of the building.

The Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) has now transferred the former cinema building and The Tyrls, which housed the former police station, back to the council. The HCA has provided £3.5m funding to the council to prepare both the sites for development.

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Bradford Council leader Coun David Green said: “We can now push forward with plans for the regeneration and transformation of the city centre.

Bradford's mothballed Odeon CinemaBradford's mothballed Odeon Cinema
Bradford's mothballed Odeon Cinema

“Acquiring the former Odeon means that we can now examine commercially viable ideas to save the building which many have fought to keep over the last decade while it has stood empty. It has always been our policy to find a sustainable future for the Odeon.”

The council commissioned structural surveys before considering whether to buy the building for £1 as it says it will need “substantial sums of money” spent on it to maintain its current condition.

The building has stood empty since 2000. The HCA terminated the development agreement with Langtree Artisan last September after they failed to comply with its terms and sign a Section 106 agreement.

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Nas Parker, head of area at the HCA, said: “The transfer of the Odeon alongside £1.3m of HCA investment to Bradford Council will ensure that the council can prepare the site for development in a way that meets local priorities.”

A shortlist of contenders will be drawn up next year.

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