YP Letters: Dull narcissism of the social media generation

Are people too obsessed with mobile phones?Are people too obsessed with mobile phones?
Are people too obsessed with mobile phones?
From: Susan Towle, Grange Garth, York.

RARELY have I read an article with which I concur so wholeheartedly as that written by Neil McNicholas regarding mobile phones (The Yorkshire Post, January 10).

If I may add a few more gripes, I am totally baffled by the seemingly endless pre-occupation with broadcasting the boring minutiae of everyday life. As an example, photographing a meal and posting on social media is surely lamentable? Why do they think anyone cares what they had for breakfast? The narcissism exhibited in taking endless selfies is also anathema to me. Similarly, why do young people on a night out need to capture “me and me mate” simpering inanely in a club?

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What about the pavement dance occasioned when someone talking or texting on their mobile is advancing from the opposite direction? So unaware are they of their surroundings that they wander all over the place, forcing the person approaching to side-step two or three times to avoid a collision.

To prove I’m not living wholly in the dark ages, I do shop online, but once again the mobile rears its ugly head, with some vendors seemingly unable to complete an order without a mobile number rather than a landline. In these cases, I make up a number – what else can I do?

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