Domestic tragedy

THE disturbing rise in incidents of domestic violence in North Yorkshire is both the story of numerous individual tragedies and the often hidden reality of life for servicemen who return to a country for which they have fought only to find that it has little to offer them.

The nature of soldiering requires those who have served in war zones like Afghanistan or Iraq to spend their waking hours keyed up and prepared to both deliver and repulse aggression. This mindset continues for months at a time, and is not easily set aside upon their return home.

The armed services have long recognised this, and make great efforts to smooth the transition of personnel into normal domestic life. However, at a time when the services are shedding numbers into an economic environment where there are precious few jobs to be had, uncertainty and worry about the future can all too easily boil over.

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Domestic violence must always be condemned as wrong; it wrecks lives and families. For the sake of all involved, some way must be found by both the military and civilian authorities to provide more support in order to stop it happening.