Harry’s magic

THE artistic merits of the Harry Potter series are much debated – the magical tales are a worldwide phenomenon but some have questioned whether the books will stand the test of time.

Regardless of their literary standing, it is the manner in which the adventures at Hogwarts have inspired a whole generation of readers that should be celebrated. The books, boosted by blockbuster films boasting all-star casts, have made author JK Rowling one of wealthiest people in Britain and the “Harry Potter brand” is worth several billion pounds. This staggering success is a remarkable achievement and yet many have found it difficult to put their finger on why the stories have cast such a spell on so many readers.

But views about writing quality are simply opinion and the Harry Potter legacy goes beyond that – Harry and his friends deserve their place in history not because they were part of a literary masterpiece, but because, after years of falling sales, millions of young people suddenly found themselves captivated by books again. It prompts one question – who will be the next Harry?