Miranda launches fun way to fitness

Miranda Hart is encouraging fans to “shake their maracas” to get fit with the release of a fun fitness DVD.

The 40-year-old comedienne may not seem the most likely celebrity to be sharing her exercise secrets in the battle for the Christmas DVD market, but Miranda Hart’s Maracattack will be hitting the shelves next month.

Hart created the exercise regime in season three of her hit sitcom and decided it was such a good idea she should share it with the world.

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She said: “Maracattack is based on one key concept. Fun. For fitness should be fun. Bear with as I coin a compound word – Funness. You will want to exercise.

“It’s about playing, not ‘working out’ and play helps your body, but also frees your mind. Without giving too much away, it involves maracas, classic pop tunes, and is as much fun as a riotous camp, cheesy disco.”