YP Comment: Church in action. Charity's 10,000 acts of kindness

THE Archbishop of York is understandably proud of his online giving charity, Acts 435, in which Christians, and others, donate money which is then passed to the most vulnerable parishioners and families to help acquire specific items.

Set up by Dr John Sentamu seven years ago, it has just supported its 10,000th person – further proof that the Archbishop is one of those all too rare figures in public life whose actions invariably speak louder than his words of wisdom.

Yet, typically, he’s not satisfied. Though 250 churches have supported this initiative, he now wants 1,000 to embrace an initiative – Christianity in action – so Acts 435 can make a bigger difference to the lives of the poor and showcase the Church of England’s positive role in local communities across the region. Without leaders like the indomitable Dr Sentamu recognising the need for such schemes and acting accordingly, both Yorkshire – and the Church – would be much poorer places.