The best voting reform would be honest politicians

From: Trevor H Anson, April House, Little Heck.

MANY of your readers will be unaware that under the Alternative Vote system they would not be obliged to make alternative choices as our friendly politicians assume they would.

Heavens above, at each general election, most people find it difficult to find any candidate trustworthy enough to grace with a cross. So if disgruntled people were to favour only one candidate and his party, then the proposed system collapses.

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Here again is another example of naive politicians being out of touch with the people and out of touch with reality, by believing in systems and not the humans in the system where common sense prevails.

The AV system is proposed by politicians with only hope for their own selfish gain. I have never heard any outcry from the population at large for such a change to complexities. They are already well satisfied by various similar pub quiz games.

The best system is for politicians to be more honest and efficient in their work for us (Tom Richmond, Yorkshire Post, April 23), and for there to be less of them.

From: Philip Clay, Brownhill Lane, Uppermill, Saddleworth, Yorkshire.

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SOME time ago on Question Time,Tony Benn crossed swords with a young student, the discussion terminated when Mr Benn informed the student that he was very lucky to live in a democracy and to have freedom of speech.

I have often wondered on which cloud Mr Benn was floating, surely he didn’t mean Great Britain? Our government is elected by the people, of the people when it comes down to “for the people”, this is hard to swallow.

When have successive governments taken any notice of the British people regarding their wishes, for example – the referendum, immigration, fishing rights, whether we take our country to war and many other situations where the people are completely ignored? I would hardly say that Britain is a democracy in the true meaning.

As for freedom of speech, this has to be the joke of the century. With political correctness, Liberty and like-minded zealots there is no chance that the British Caucasian can speak his/her mind under fear of police action or arrest.

Every week, or even day, we see some megalomaniac successfully attacking the English way of life – like. the long-serving driver threatened if he continues to display his grass cross in Wakefield.

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