Cutting the risk of building on flood plains

From: Bill Hunter, Derwent Road, Honley, Holmfirth.

BUILDING new houses on flood plains would, if taken at face value, be a matter of serious concern, especially where this goes against Environment Agency advice to local planning authorities.

However, new build may be acceptable if it is raised above 
the maximum predicted 
flood level, and if the run-off from new development or the loss of flood storage capacity does not increase flood risk elsewhere.

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Better still, new development can contribute to a reduced flood risk by a financial contribution to new or improved flood defences or by works carried out as
 part of the development 
to provide additional flood storage.

It would be interesting to know more about development within flood plains in Yorkshire and the extent to which flood risk is managed and reduced through the development process.

Permission should not be granted for new development in flood plains except where 
the development itself is not at risk of flooding, and it does not create a higher risk to other properties.

Having said that, anyone thinking of buying a house in a flood plain should think long and hard before going ahead.