A lack of democracy as EU vote exposes a weak leader

From: Janet Berry, Hambleton.

HOW wet is David Cameron? It is disgusting that he tried to stop his contempories voting for the referendum on the EU. Shame also on the 50 who abstained.

If they are allowed the privilege of voting they should be made to vote either way – how pathetic.

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The people’s pledge which was asking people to vote for the referendum on the internet attracted many thousands and it was arranged for these people to have a meeting in London.

This date was changed at the last moment by Mr Cameron. Disgraceful! These people were elected to represent their constituents’ opinions and this is totally disregarded. Germany and France are becoming far too powerful in the EU. Can you imagine this being allowed to happen if Maggie Thatcher was in charge?

A good job for our Dave would be Dame Wishy Washy in the nearest pantomime.

From: Mike Davies, chairman, Alliance for Green Socialism, Oak Road, Leeds.

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“SUCCESS” in the Eurozone negotiations – unlikely as that seems – will not rescue the euro. Monetary union before political and fiscal union is unsustainable.

It blocks the normal processes by which economically weaker countries adjust, particularly by allowing their currency to depreciate. None of the three measures currently being negotiated do anything to address that basic problem.

Had the EU been a democracy, with a European government and European fiscal policy, the current crisis would not have arisen. In fact, though, the EU is a profoundly undemocratic political fudge.

The attempt by some Euro leaders to ram through central fiscal control, without any democratic political framework, at a time when the people of Europe are increasingly disillusioned with the European project, risks adding political instability to unresolved economic crisis.

From: D Wood, Thorntree Lane, Goole.

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SO the three-line whip imposed by Cameron, Clegg and Miliband has denied the British public the democratic right to say if we want to belong to the EU.

This shows the total lack of democracy practised by the leadership of the three so-called main parties towards the people of Britain. It also shows what hypocrites these same men are when they continually spout about democracy in Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq (to name just three).

In the case of the last two, this extended to sending our brave young service personnel to get maimed and killed in their misguided quest for democracy in these countries where it will never work.

With such a large percentage of the population wanting this referendum it just shows the total contempt with which these elite politicians hold the British voter.

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Finally, I would like to thank the 111 true democratic British patriots who voted for Britain and its people. It’s nice to know that some politicians at least will put the country and its people before their pathetic leaders and worthless parties.