MPs’ greed increases the need for charities

From: Trev Bromby, Sculcoates Lane, Hull.

TO take attention away from their aim to achieve a £10,000 a year rise while resisting workers’ attempts to get a 3p an hour rise (£57 per annum), the trough-dwelling MPs have questioned whether the UK’s charity regulator is fit for 
purpose. If they, MPs, were not so inherently greedy, there would be less need for many charities in the first place. It has long been established, 50 years to my knowledge, that less than 5p in the pound is shoved towards “worthy” 
causes. The rest is sucked up by administration, running costs and the old favourite – expenses. We have Help for Heroes struggling for donations to make life a little more bearable 
for wounded service personnel, they sit out with the begging bowl. Yes, yes, yes, we are all in this together!

From: Roger M Dobson, Ash Street, Cross Hills.

WHAT sort of a caring government have we got in this country? We ask the relatives of troops abroad to raise money for Help for Heroes. In a similar way, all mountain and cave rescue services are held together by charitable donations. Air ambulances would not be able to fly without charitable contributions. If the above are examples of David Cameron’s caring way of governing this country, it is time that he resigned.

From: Dr Sheila Hopkinson, Gorman Close, Chestefield.

NOTICE seen outside a Chesterfield pub advertising a forthcoming event in aid of “Help for Hero’s”.