Policing poser

GIVEN that police commissioners will have a similar status to directly-elected mayors, Nick Clegg is right to urge the Tories to proceed with caution over one of their flagship policies that is intended to empower local people.

The mayoral experience has been far from successful. While it has afforded London some genuine leadership and policy co-ordination on issues like transport, the creation of the post has brought only misery to the taxpayers of Doncaster.

Part of this was because of the personalities involved, but it also involved a lack of clarity – and continues to do so – about the divisions of labour between the mayor, chief executive and council cabinet becoming blurred. The upshot has been an inferior service to the people that matter most of all – Doncaster’s residents.

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Policy reviews on the Government’s part can be interpreted as a sign of weakness.

Yet, by halting the NHS shake-up, David Cameron is making a virtue of his willingness to improve planned laws.

And he should do so over his plan for police commissioners, given the likelihood that the occupiers of these posts will undermine competent chief constables with their own agendas.