Portrait of the author

Charlotte Brontë’s only known photograph has been put on display in Haworth.

The item arrived back to the Brontë Parsonage after being at Charlotte Brontë’s publisher, George Smith and is part of a new exhibition at the Brontë Parsonage Museum which tells the story of the museum’s collection; how it came together and how it continues to grow as new discoveries are made.

Brontë Relics tells of the intriguing journeys that various objects undertook before returning to the Parsonage are traced back through previous owners and collectors to major sources, among them Charlotte’s husband, Arthur Bell Nicholls; Ellen Nussey, Charlotte’s lifelong friend; the family of Martha Brown, the Brontës’ faithful servant; and the American collector, Henry Houston Bonnell. picture: Gabriel Szabo/Guzelian

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