Protection ahead for historic lead mine

HISTORIC remains of a lead mine and an ancient settlement which are on an English Heritage “at risk” register are to be protected as part of a joint project.

The Peak District National Park Authority, Natural England and English heritage have joined forces with a landowner to protect Pin Dale side veins, near Castleton.

In recent years, the lead working remains have suffered damage from illegal off-road vehicle use and fly-tipping.

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The site is a scheduled ancient monument and is recognised by experts as a place were early miners worked with simple picks to cut lead ore from the narrow veins in the limestone.

Pin Dale is also a Site of Special Scientific Interest because of its nationally important limestone geology. Ecologists said the lead working remains are home to unique plants and flowers which thrive in the rare habitat.

The cultural heritage manager for the Peak District National Park Authority, Ken Smith, said fences would be put up around the site which would allow access to people on foot, but keep vehicles out.

He added: “The site has been particularly vulnerable because it lies near an unsurfaced track which is legal for vehicles and trail bikes.

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“Irresponsible drivers and riders have used it as a race-track or a rubbish dump, ignoring or at times destroying signs asking them to avoid the sensitive site.

“By working together with the landowner and our partner organisations, we hope this site can soon be removed from English Heritage’s list of high risk sites.”

Mr Smith said scrub is also being cut back with grazing animals introduced and added work will be carried later this year to repair damage from motor vehicles coming onto the monument.

In 2001 there were 17 Peak District sites on the high risk list. Now there are just two. In 2008 the authority won English Heritage’s first Heritage at Risk award for its role in protecting vulnerable historic and archaeological sites.