Gardening jobs for the week ahead

Trim back spreading plantslikecandytuft after they have flowered, to encourage  more blooms. (DO).Trim back spreading plantslikecandytuft after they have flowered, to encourage  more blooms. (DO).
Trim back spreading plantslikecandytuft after they have flowered, to encourage more blooms. (DO).
There's some warm, sunny weather in the forecast for next week and there is plenty to be getting on with in your gardens, starting here:

Harden off half-hardy plants by leaving them outside during the day and bringing them back under cover at night.

Plant summer hanging-baskets, adding good-quality compost, slow-release fertilizer and water-retaining crystals, to keep them in top condition. Keep them under cover util the threat of frost has vanished.

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Trim back spreading plants like Aubrieta, Alyssum and candytuft (pictured) after they’ve flowered, to encourage fresh new growth and more blooms.

Lift forget-me-nots to prevent them self-seeding and spreading to areas where they are not welcome.

Take cuttings of tender perennials, such as Fuchsia, Argyranthemum and Pelargonium.

Prune out overcrowded and dead stems of early-flowering clematis after flowering.

Top-dress permanent pot plants to refresh the compost.

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Supplement container plants with a balanced liquid feed every 2-4 weeks to promote healthy growth.

Inspect plants for pests and diseases - early prevention is much easier than curing an infestation.

Lift and divide overcrowded clumps of daffodils and other spring-flowering bulbs