YP Letters: Boris Johnson has'¨opportunity'¨to lead nation

Boris Johnson.Boris Johnson.
Boris Johnson.
From: David Nutt, Huby, Leeds.

IF the Conservative party is stupid enough to suspend Boris Johnson for expressing a legal and widely shared opinion, then a golden opportunity presents itself to him.

As a result of the impending implosion of the Tory party, and the probable result being a general election, the UK desperately needs a new political party to provide a space on the ballot paper for the 17 million leave voters, who will otherwise be at a loss to know where to place their cross.

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Boris, come on, you can do it, and get our exit from the Brussels nightmare back on track.

From: Brian H Sheridan, Lodge Moor, Sheffield.

“UNLIKE 99.9 per cent of the outrage mob, I’ve actually read the article they are all complaining about” (Bill Carmichael, The Yorkshire Post, August 10). He is responding to the alleged offence caused by Boris Johnson when he described women wearing burkas as looking like “bank robbers” and “letter boxes”.

Your columnist admits to having to go out and buy a specific newspaper to appraise himself fully of the offending article before forming an opinion. Unlike Mr Carmichael, very few of the general public would go out of their way to research the matter: Johnson’s gratuitous, irresponsible little quip was always going to be the only bit that reached most of us.

Any responsible politician would have known that.

From: Richard Cadogan, Lepton, Huddersfield.

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BORIS Johnson has done no more than write what millions of reasonable British people think. The time has come to get a grip of reality and for some of our ‘visitors’ to remember how lucky they are to be here.

Red Tractor steers itself

From: Adam Bedford, NFU Regional Director.

RESPONDING to the recent letter ‘Lack of NFU action on issue’, it is important to realise that one of the strengths of the Red Tractor assurance scheme is that it is run totally independently of the farming industry by Assured Food Standards.

The NFU is involved as an external stakeholder, along with others from across the food and agricultural industries.

The importance of animal health and welfare is paramount for the NFU and for all farmers working under the Red Tractor scheme. We are committed to ensuring that the high standards achieved by British food producers are both maintained and recognised, and expect swift and immediate action in instances where those standards are breached.

No need for illumination

From: Mrs J O’Halloran, Harrogate.

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I HAVE to say I do not support the campaign to illuminate Harrogate’s war memorial. I think the memorial is centrally placed in the town – you cannot miss it. It is a beautiful structure in its own right and does not need “improving”. Plus there is a national trend to decrease light pollution at night and illuminating the memorial will only add to this pollution.

Also, in these difficult economic times, who is going to pay for this? It is a sombre monument remembering our war dead and should be treated as such.

I say all this as someone who has lost several family members in world conflict and who has a current family member serving in the armed forces.

Time for king to be deposed

From: WK Murphy, Pitsmoor, Sheffield.

PLEASE do something about that statue of King Edward VII in Fitzalan Square in Sheffield city centre. He has been there since 1910.

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Surely someone more worthy than King Edward should grace that spot, like Sebastian Coe or Jessica Ennis-Hill.

People who paid for his monument are long since dead, so I can’t see why we are keeping him there. City council take note, he has been there long enough.

Restore castle

From: Arthur Quarmby, Mill Moor Road, Meltham.

SCARBOROUGH’S castle, if imaginatively and partially restored along its hilltop site, could be as major a tourist attraction, as is the restored Cardiff Castle.

It would make a real contribution to the prosperity of the town, at what could be fairly modest cost. A pity to ignore its potential!

Unclean gas

From: Jarvis Browning, Main Street, Fadmoor, York.

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I THINK Lorraine Allanson’s view on fracking is totally misguided (The Yorkshire Post, August 10). It is not a clean gas, to burn or extract out of the ground, unlike conventional gas.

Chuckle tears

From: Rosemary Nattriss, Church Fenton, Tadcaster.

THANK YOU to cartoonist Bandeira for the delightful tribute to the Chuckle brothers (The Yorkshire Post, August 11). It brought tears to my eyes.

Over the edge

From: B Murray, Halifax Road, Sheffield.

THE pressure of exams, high expectations and the bombardment of the media is sending our youngsters over the edge (David Blunkett, The Yorkshire Post, August 11).