Morning briefing: The five Yorkshire business stories you must read today

Jodie Hill of Thrive LawJodie Hill of Thrive Law
Jodie Hill of Thrive Law
Good morning from Greg Wright, the deputy business editor of The Yorkshire Post. Here are five business stories to start your day.

Acquisitions and prominent contract wins boosted profits at engineering and services group NG Bailey to £19.4m.

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>NG Bailey's resultsRETAIL experts have warned the high street is facing “ever more polarised demand” from consumers as online sales and the popularity of out-of-town shopping centres have been blamed for the highest number of empty shops in more than four years.

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>Latest retail figures AROUND a third of employers across Yorkshire are concerned that Brexit will decrease their ability to access talent and skills, according to new research released by recruitment firm Hays.

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>Employers' fears over BrexitThrive Law is supporting actress Emma Watson’s newly launched ‘Time’s Up’ legal advice helpline for women experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace.

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>Thrive Law's latest initiativeThe introduction of freeports is unlikely to mitigate against the economic damage that a no deal Brexit would bring to the UK economy, a Yorkshire haulage boss has claimed.

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