The film, which stars Millie Bobby Brown as the title character, focuses on the younger sibling in the famous Holmes family. Henry Cavill is reprising his role as the famous Sherlock in the film. Have a look through our photo gallery and be transported back in time. (All photos: James Hardisty)
. Enola Holmes
A Victorian-style store has been built on the set
. Glimpse
A glimpse into the set which is being created in Hull
. Younger sister
The original movie was released on Netflix last year and followed the exploits of the younger sister of Sherlock Holmes.
. Enola
The first film, shown on Netflix, was a big hit.
. Books
The films are based on the young adult fiction series of the same name. The books were written by Nancy Springer.
1. Glimpse
A glimpse into the set which is being created in Hull
2. Younger sister
The original movie was released on Netflix last year and followed the exploits of the younger sister of Sherlock Holmes.
3. Enola
The first film, shown on Netflix, was a big hit.
4. Books
The films are based on the young adult fiction series of the same name. The books were written by Nancy Springer.