City celebrates design expertise

The design community in Sheffield will be celebrated at an event next month.

Sheffield Design Showcase, organised by Creativesheffield, will take place on February 11. The event, at The University of Sheffield's ICOSS Building at 6pm, will showcase the ingenuity and expertise that exist of the sector.

It will feature industrial and product design talent and Creativesheffield hope it will be the first of many and later broaden out to include the wider design community. A discussion forum will consider the concept of a Designed in Sheffield Network, after the success of the Made in Sheffield brand.

Gene DePrez, director of Innovation at Creativesheffield,

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and previous co-global leader for business location and economic development strategy in IBM's strategy and change management consulting practice, said: "There is a wealth of design talent within Sheffield that could really benefit from a city network where ideas

and contacts can be shared to create new opportunities and a platform for collaboration.

"Sheffield has, so far, done a great job in establishing itself as a UK hub for creative and digital industries.

"Therefore, we want to explore whether a "Designed in Sheffield" Network would help progress the city's status as a location of quality design which is recognised across the world."

To attend or exhibit at the event, contact Alison Murphy at Creativesheffield on 0114 223 2345 or [email protected]