Gardening - jobs for the week ahead

It is a good time to divide established clumps of chives.It is a good time to divide established clumps of chives.
It is a good time to divide established clumps of chives.
If you don't mind being blown around by the wind a bit, here are some things to be getting on with in the garden:

Keep patio container plants well watered and feed with a liquid fertiliser every fortnight.

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Stake tall or top-heavy dahlias and lilies to prevent wind and rain damage.

Dead-head bedding plants and perennials to encourage them to flower into autumn and stop them self-seeding.

Cut back herbs to encourage a new flush of leaves which can be harvested before the first frost.

Divide established clumps of chives (pictured).

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Prune wisteria after flowering by removing all the whippy side-shoots from the main branch framework to about 20cm from their base.

Pinch out the tips of runner bean plants once they reach the top of their support. This encourages side-shooting and more beans at a manageable height for picking.

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