Car barn in green belt set for rejection

PLANS to build a new "car barn" in green belt land on the western edge of Sheffield are set to be refused by councillors next week.

The owner of two newly-built houses in the curtilage of 485 Loxley Road is now seeking planning consent to build the double car barn, which would provide parking for both properties.

It would be built on a patch of land already designated for parking and would not require any changes to the road layout.

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In the submission to Sheffield Council, the applicant says the car barn is required due to the recession and the downturn of the housing market. The owner says the two properties are currently up for sale and most prospective buyers want a covered parking area, which is why the application has been submitted.

An objection to the plans has come from the Loxley Valley Protection Society, which says the site is becoming overdeveloped and the new structure would extend onto green belt land.

They also point out that one of the properties on the site has already been sold without the added benefit of covered parking.

Sheffield Council planning officers have agreed with the objectors and describe the proposed car barn as "inappropriate development in the Green Belt" and contrary to planning policy.

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In the planners' report, which is set to go before next Tuesday's meeting of the council's west and north planning and highways board, they say: "The new structure would cause harm to the open character of the site and would damage an important view into the Loxley Valley.

"The scheme represents unrestricted growth of the built up area. No special circumstances have been presented that are considered to justify such development and the proposal is considered a step too far on this site.

"For these reasons refusal is recommended."

Councillors will make a final decision on the scheme at the planning meeting on Tuesday, which begins at 2pm at Sheffield Town Hall.