Church urged to show faith in conversion

The Church of England was urged not to be embarrassed or "awkward" about converting others to the Christian faith in a new document.

Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams and Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu said conversion should "never" become a word of which Christians "fight shy" in a multi-faith society in spite of the sensitivities surrounding the issue.

In a foreword to a new booklet, published yesterday, the archbishops said the experiences of parishes and people working in multi-faith areas was that while stridency was "counterproductive" failure to be open about Christian beliefs was "equally unhelpful".

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"In Christ, old identities are never the last word and the good is offered for all the world," they said.

"So there should be nothing embarrassed or awkward about the Church's commitment to draw others to Christ."

The document, Sharing the Gospel of Salvation, was drawn up in response to a General Synod motion.

The booklet lists a series of examples of good practice in sharing the Christian faith with other people of other faiths in dioceses such as Leicester, London, Birmingham and Bradford.

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