MP joins resistance to Tesco plan

AN MP has waded into the great Tesco debate in Harrogate – the last postcode area in mainland Britain without one of its superstores.

And despite the supermarket giant claiming support for its new proposals to set up shop in the town has never been stronger, campaigners are vowing to make the spa town a national battleground to keep it Tesco free.

Phil Willis, the Liberal Democrat MP for Harrogate and Knaresborough, spoke to the Yorkshire Post after Tesco resubmitted controversial plans for a 24-hour store on the site of the former gas works at New Park and claimed it had 70 per cent of public support for the scheme.

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Mr Willis said: "I think it is brilliant to have the distinction as the only postcode left without a huge Tescos and I will be very happy if in 10 years time that remains the case.

"Tesco are going to say they have lots of support but in 13 years not a single constituent has walked into my office to say their biggest problem is they need a supermarket.

"We are already very well served here and I am against Tesco going on that site. It will have a very significant effect on the town centre and increase traffic quite considerably.

"While it will offer increased choice to people in the town, this will come at a very heavy price."

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The resubmitted plans, due to go before a Harrogate Borough Council planning committee soon, contain a new traffic statement which protesters would say would bring the town centre to a state of gridlock.

Fears over its effect on the town's transport network prompted the Harrogate Chamber of Trade and Commerce to announce a formal objection to Tesco setting up at the gas works.

Brian Dunsby, the chamber's chief executive, also said he has serious safety concerns about a proposed access road across the site that would be used by both store customers and delivery vehicles.

He claims high pressure gas mains and regulator valves close to the proposed route would be vulnerable in the event of any vehicles crashing or going off the designated road and said he had fears over dangerous gas leaks.

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Green campaigners across the country are stepping up the fight.

Helen Rimmer, food campaigns manager for Friends of the Earth, said: "Harrogate will become a national battleground to keep it being the final free postcode.

"We are supporting community campaigns on the ground and we have a network of local campaigners who are giving advice to other groups.

"These are manipulated figures by Tesco to claim how popular it is and this is just a huge PR offensive."

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Tesco says it has undergone extensive consultation around the New Park site and the proposals have been met with huge support.

Matt Magee, corporate affairs manager, said: "There is massive support in the town, we have always had that. The people in Harrogate really want this to happen.

"There is opposition to the traffic but most people think this is a good idea. People don't care whether they are the last town, they just want a supermarket there.

"What has this got to do with people outside of the town anyway, this is about Harrogate. Consultation in areas around the site has received 70 per cent support.

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"I have been on this project for nearly four years. It has taken a long time.

"It is nothing to do with it being the last postcode without a superstore, nobody sits there with a big battle map pushing little soldiers around. We think there is a gap in the market, we have a great site and this is a great opportunity."