New Harrogate Mayor is unveiled

Outgoing Harrogate mayor Coun Anne Jones presents new mayor  Coun Bernard Bateman with the chains of office.  (1805215AM3)Outgoing Harrogate mayor Coun Anne Jones presents new mayor  Coun Bernard Bateman with the chains of office.  (1805215AM3)
Outgoing Harrogate mayor Coun Anne Jones presents new mayor Coun Bernard Bateman with the chains of office. (1805215AM3)
There was pomp, there was circumstance but this year's mayor making ceremony turned out to be a more relaxed occasion in Harrogate Borough Council's new civic centre than at the Royal Hall.

The ceremonial side saw a fond farewell to last year’s mayor Coun Anne Jones and her consort Steve Jones, as well as deputy mayor Coun Christine Willougby and consort Coun Andrew Willoughby.

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There were tributes to them all and to this year’s new mayor Coun Bernard Bateman MBE and his consort Linda Bateman and new deputy mayor Coun Margaret Atkinson and consort Michael Atkinson.

After the Conservative landslide in the council elections, the serious business for council leader Coun Richard Cooper saw the unveiling of a largely unchanged cabinet which is as follows.

Coun Graham Swift, deputy Leader and cabinet member for resources, enterprise and economic development.

Coun Rebecca Burnett, cabinet member for planning.

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Coun Mike Chambers, cabinet member for housing and safer communities

Coun Stanley Lumley, cabinet member for culture, tourism and sport.

Coun Phil Ireland, cabinet member for sustainable transport.

Coun Andy Parasko, cabinet member for environment, waste reduction and recycling.