Banish the sport from BBC’s main channels

From: Terry Duncan, Greame Road, Bridlington.

HOPEFULLY, with a new Director General of the BBC about to take the reins of the broadcaster, he will restore to the majority of licence payers their traditional viewing on BBC1 and BBC2, instead of being strangled by an overpowering coverage of sport, in which the majority of us have not one whit of interest (Jayne Dowle, Yorkshire Post, July 9).

I make this statement in the hope that George Entwistle, the architect, apparently, of the disastrous coverage by the BBC of the Jubilee flotilla on the Thames has learned a lesson that the viewers do not want what the faceless in the BBC to force their views on us, but go back to the basics of the BBC as laid down by Lord Reith. It is, after all, a public services operation funded by the taxpayer, who deserve a return on their hard-earned cash, not only through the licence but through taxation.

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So, give us back BBC1 and BBC2, and use one of the company’s other channels devoted to all the sports.

Over the past week, I have made it a point of asking 50 people if they want the tennis on both channels, and further, the Olympics.

The only positive was that all would be watching the Olympics opening ceremony which, after all will transmitted world-wide on the TV services that are not funded by the taxpayer, but after that only bits and pieces if they happened to switch on the news.

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