Bigger but not a better picture

From: Tony Clegg, Eldwick, Bingley.

i HAVE just visited Cartwright Hall, Bradford, to view the much acclaimed David Hockney painting Bigger Trees Near Warter.

As a retired art teacher, I have seen many paintings during my career, some good, some not so good and some poor.

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I am afraid that, in my opinion, this piece falls into the latter. Some of the panels are misaligned and the actual painting skills are insensitive, clumsy and verging on the naive.

The expression “The Emperor’s New Clothes” comes to mind. Just because it is painted by one of the country’s best known artists does not necessarily mean that it is a good painting.

Policies that lack manners

From: Max Nottingham, St Faiths Street, Lincoln.

SO Lord Hurd thinks David Cameron’s Eton manners work (Yorkshire Post, December 28).

I would not think they work for the thousands of disabled people who are being put through repeat medical tests.

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Do Eton manners work for cuts victims among poorer people? I am not against manners. But we must see through public school politicians who are pursuing policies that clobber millions.

Economic reasoning

From: Mick Snowden, Amotherby, Malton.

WITH reference to the letters about the unequal distribution of wealth (Yorkshire Post, December 27), my grandfather put it succinctly: “If a man ‘as nowt, ‘e is nowt, if ‘ed a l’eern owt ‘ed ‘av ‘ad summat.”

He, unlike so many of your contributors, believed in economy and that included words.