Buying British is the only way to end this political theatre

From: John Gibson, Arkendale, Knaresborough.

WATCHING Prime Minister’s Questions last week struck me as a production of political theatre worthy of a standing ovation (Yorkshire Post, September 15).

How long will our “leaders” perpetuate the public versus private sector rhetoric , as if it were relevant, when the debate focuses on unemployment?

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With Mercedes Benz sales at a 125-year high and Rolls Royce production being up 60 per cent on last year, while the streets of our cities are in flames and being looted, along with 2.5 million people out of work, suggests to me that something is fundamentally wrong with the 21st century social structure we are creating in the UK.

To me, the private versus public sector jobs arguments are as useful as a chocolate fireguard!

The solution to the inequalities in our country would be unpopular with our leaders and the fortunate few at the wheel of their prestigious motorcars, because it attacks the very heart of their prosperity, in favour of benefit for all.

Fortunately their endorsement is not necessary to bring about the change, it would help, but getting people to accept change which may not bring them further wealth or prosperity in a materialist world takes some convincing.

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Unemployment will only decline when we recognise that genuine jobs can only be forthcoming as a result of industrial growth, making and servicing products that are domestically produced.

Factories create jobs, jobs bring prosperity for all with them, they buy houses, build communities, support local businesses, crime reduces, education improves, social support facilities are enhanced with doctors, care homes, hospitals, all the things we have forfeited under the current system we can reclaim.

Retail rejuvenation will not bring about these changes as experts prophesise, because it is unsustainable, the nation could not support consumers funded on benefits.

Until we create a consumer ethos based on buying domestic and EU products, we are fooling ourselves, and our leaders are fooling us, that things will get better.

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We must stem the tsunami of Chinese products drowning our industry and making the rich/poor gap bigger by the day, British consumers are buying their own unemployment on the High Street, they must be more discerning and selective about the goods they buy, insist on domestic products and if necessary do without.

It won’t be easy, and the retail propaganda machine will want to protect the huge profits Chinese goods bring to the fortunate few, but if we want to get the country back on its feet to everyone’s benefit, bringing prosperity to all, this is one area that the ordinary man and women in the street is all powerful. We all should exercise that power.

Those in Government will never bring about this fundamental change because of the vested interests they share with the fortunate few.