Drivers clearly
not-too bright

From: Peter Hyde, Driffield, East Yorkshire.

AS a man who tries to be a good driver and keep his car right, I am amazed at how many motorists never check their lights.

On a recent short journey of 50 miles, I counted no fewer than 19 cars with a duff headlight and many who were driving in poor lighting conditions showing just sidelights.

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You could see the car before you could see the lights. Some grey cars had no lights at all, even though it was getting dusk.

Of course, the shortage of police patrols means that there is no one to advise these drivers of their shortcomings.

Going Dutch to
beat the floods

From: Jake Johnson, Roman Avenue, Leeds.

MORE rain, more flooding! Our engineers must be adventurous! Streams that rapidly become raging torrents have got to be redirected into the sea.

Hundreds of sandbags are useless. We need technical advice from the Dutch who have been water wizards for centuries, re-claiming land from the sea.

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And the cost? Money from the much maligned EU, as we are still members, and the scrapping of the useless nuclear submarines.

In the meantime the developers who went ahead with house building on the flood plains must pay compensation to the unfortunate dwellers near rivers.

Time to act

From: Geoffrey F Bryant. Queen Street, Barton-on-Humber.

FURTHER to my recent letter to you (Yorkshire Post, November 21) concerning the plight of the Palestinians, we now hear of further illegal Israeli activities.

Having apparently decided to at last take on the US gun lobby, dare President Barack Obama similarly face up to the might of the US Jewish lobby and propose some meaningful action which would drive some sense into the heads of Israel’s leaders?

I can but finish this letter as I did my last: ‘The tinder box gets hotter and hotter.”