How Government could fix for Tory electoral advantage

From: Marcus Wyndham, Oxted, Surrey.

With the Scots voting overwhelmingly for the SNP, does this not offer us in England an opportunity that will keep the union, benefit England and help the Conservative party?

Give them all the tax powers they want but keep defence and foreign affairs at Westminster. I am convinced that the Scots will not vote for independence because they want these things.

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If they vote against raising their own taxes to spend on their own public services, we will lose a golden opportunity.

These arrangements will lift the burden of Scottish subsidies from English taxpayers and make the Scots see the sense of Conservative policies, retain Great Britain’s place in the world and reduce vastly the number of Labour MPs in Westminster making Conservative governments more likely.

My fear is that the Conservative government will dilly dally about and we will see the Scots vote against independence and still be left with this unfair situation.

Is it not time for the Conservative Party to take the initiative on this situation for the sake of England, Great Britain and themselves?

From: Alan Chapman, Beck Lane, Bingley.

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NICK Clegg outlines plans for the first elections to the Lords (Yorkshire Post, May 18) using yet another form of proportional representation, the single transferable vote (STV), despite the country wholeheartedly rejecting the alternative vote system this month.

Is he mad? No, he is a Lib Dem obsessed with creating permanent coalition-style governance anywhere and everywhere so he can con the electorate to accept his dream plan.

Coalition government offers fringe political parties the only chance they can muster to influence one of the two major parties.

Clegg’s plan is flawed within the first few lines of the report; the rest is relative minutiae concerning only numbers and the mix of elected and appointed House of Lords members.

Humbled in the Commons, Clegg attempts to poison the second chamber also. The public have amply demonstrated they do not his want style of politics.