No containing this infection in conversations

From Ken Abson, Cuckstool Road, Denby Dale, Huddersfield.

This letter supports that of James Wightman-Smith (Yorkshire Post, December 21), and to show that there are others who are also quite fed up with the poor use of English, in general, and in particular, with the persistent and boring use of “absolutely” 
and “basically” – words that encroach in conversations as almost a verbal/viral infection that seemingly cannot be contained.

It is abolutely important that when basically expressing an opinion so absolutely vehemently, that basically, no one should be absolutely in doubt that they are basically sincere and are absolutely justified in their beliefs.

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To basically deny to one their absolutely intellectual rights to give what may basically be a conflicting opinion, is basically, neverthe less, the clear freedom of expression that is absolutely and basically a right belonging to us all.

Does this basically show that the absolutely vital level of basically a good standard of education in English for all is basically flawed, (answer – absolutely) – it is absolutely apparent that in the basically limited level of conversational drivel that basically too many interviewees and too many ‘so-called’ public speakers who are regularly called upon to comment, are absolutely quite obviously lacking in what basically should be a good command of their national language.

Delete “absolutely” and “basically” and it is still basically a readable script that absolutely shows there is far too much use of them (I dare not go on...). Basically, I know that I have said absolutely just a little too much!