Numbers add up to confusion

From: N Bywater, Airedale Terrace, Morley, Leeds.

WHO you gonna call? The answer is obviously, Ghostbusters; but if we are being serious, has anyone spotted how complicated it is getting to know who to call?

Is it 112, or 111 or even 101? I recently went on a training course that stated that the correct number to call for the emergency services is 112, the number used all across the EU.

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I will stick to using 999 – if we don’t use it, we will lose it. And then, it will really get confusing. Please continue to use 999, but only in an emergency.

Small is still
more beautiful

From: Don Alexander, Knab Road, Sheffield.

Mr Smith (Yorkshire Post, May 16) is right – most of us feel at home more in smaller units, otherwise we’d all love the EU.

As a Sheffielder, I feel more affinity with Hallamshire than Yorkshire, and as much with Derbyshire Rams and Lincolnshire Yeller-bellies as with Yorkshire Tykes, with no desire to be politically attached to any.

One very good aspect of the cross-boundary city regions though: business people are in the majority, not politicians, so things might get done without petty party squabbling.

Money for police

From: Martin Fletcher, Savile Close, Emley, Huddersfield.

NEED to cut the police budget? No money for officers?

Easy. Get rid of all these new commissioners and their menagerie of cronies and hangers on.

That will free up money for bobbies on the streets (Yorkshire Post, May 25).