Put a stop to wind farms and save countryside

From: Tony Horrox, Glasshouses, Harrogate.

JP Beaumont’s letter (Yorkshire Post, March 15) hits the nail on the head.

The appalling proposals currently being put forward for the erection of wind turbines over a wide area between Beckwithshaw and Norwood need to be vigorously resisted.

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Throughout Britain, our beautiful countryside is rapidly being wrecked by such schemes.

Apart from the environmental damage they cause, it is now generally accepted that wind turbines are not an efficient way of producing electricity and they are obviously not reliable.

Eight turbines were erected three years ago at Knabbs Ridge, near Kettlesing, close to these latest proposals. These towering monstrosities are a hideous blot on the surrounding landscape and the nearby Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. They rarely work at full capacity and often, especially at times of extremely cold weather when there is no wind, they do not work at all.

The Knabbs Ridge turbines are bad enough. But the additional 28 now proposed would all be even bigger, at least 24 of them as high as 417 ft!

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Such rural vandalism, if given the go-ahead, would massively extend this turbine-infested area and the damage – both visual and physical – to our countryside would remain for future generations to regret.

As long as China increases its CO2 emissions each year by more than the entire UK emissions, what on earth is the point of building these hideous, expensive, unreliable and inefficient things?