Remiss not to explain absence

From: WJ Cichorz, Leeds.

WHATEVER the reason for Christa Ackroyd’s absence from BBC Look North, it cannot be anything to do with her presentation style, as some imply.

She is an experienced journalist and an excellent TV presenter, as witnessed over the years. On TV she, like the other presenters, has to follow the crass BBC policy of banter at every opportunity. She must find this as tiresome as most of us.

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It is remiss of BBC not to inform viewers of Look North of the reason for the absence of their top presenter for so long.

Well-made television

From: John Wheeler, Bennetthorpe, Doncaster, South Yorkshire.

JAMES Robson (Yorkshire Post, May 21) really shouldn’t stay up later than the 9pm watershed. 
He could then sample his assumed preference for any quiz shows, reality TV and mushy romances.

Leave The Fall and the wonderful Gillian Anderson to those of us who like well-made, acted adult television that deals with the real world we inhabit.

Forgotten subject of Pope’s prayers

From: Chris Schorah, Gascoigne Avenue, Leeds.

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I SEE from the article about Pope Francis praying for a young man (Yorkshire Post, May 22) that religious commentators seemed only to be concerned in critiquing the nature of the technique that the Pope used. They appear to have no interest whatsoever in the welfare of the man or whether he benefited from the ministry.