Treat stealing of drain covers more seriously

From: Barrie Frost, Watson’s Lane, Reighton, Filey.

ROTHERHAM Council has been landed, in the last year or so, a bill of more than £20,000 for replacing iron drain covers stolen from its streets, with the latest thefts occurring in the last week.

The relatively small amount of money their sale may bring is out of all proportion to the very serious consequences of their absence.

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A despicable criminal act at any time, it is magnified by taking place at a time when ordinary, decent people have too many other things to worry about during the present severe economic cuts.

The gaping holes left by the theft of the drain covers pose a very serious risk of accidents and injuries to unsuspecting people, with motorcyclists, cyclists and pedestrians probably faced with the gravest threat.

It is obvious such thefts will only occur if a buyer is readily and easily available.

Surely, therefore, any such buyer; scrap metal dealer or otherwise, who is offered these items will only require the smallest crumb of common sense to be very well aware they are stolen and should immediately inform the police.

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If they choose not to do so and go ahead and buy them, then they must also suffer the consequences of them being stolen goods.

What are the consequences? If anyone is injured or even killed from the absence of the drain covers, then a charge of grievous bodily harm, or manslaughter should accompany the charge of theft, with any buyer of products reasonably known to be stolen, being charged with aiding and abetting the thieves.

Perhaps if such crimes were treated far more seriously than mere petty theft, such disgusting criminal acts would no longer be a common occurrence.

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