We must get off our knees to fight the lunatics

From: Glyn Powell, Bakersfield Drive, Kellington, West Yorkshire.

NEVER in the history of Britain have so many been governed so badly by the privileged few.

Indeed, I liken the situation to lions led by donkeys.

I refer, of course, to the collapse of the British economy and impoverishment of the British people by the Robber Barons in the evil ConDem government.

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Indeed, while Cameron sabre rattles over Libya, desperate to steal that country’s oil, the ConDems are presented at home with a plan to rob public servants, such as firefighters, police and hospital staff, of their hard earned pensions.

Such a plan, if acted upon, will mean over five million workers not only facing redundancies, pay freezes and increased pension contributions but, also, working longer for a smaller pension than originally promised.

This is tantamount to fraud and theft on a grand scale and the unions must resist such measures with strikes.

All these cost-cutting measures have been caused by a combination of government incompetence over many years and the bankers ruining the country by their greed and cavalier attitude towards our money.

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However, the ConDems don’t penalise the banks and soak the rich through increased taxation. Instead, they steal money from workers, the poor and others by widespread sackings, reduced benefits and VAT increases, while laughingly claiming that ‘we’re all in it together’.

Yes we are – in the mire – unless we get off our knees and fight the lunatics by strikes and mass protests.

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