Mary Ward: Campaign to make 'ordinary' woman from York who set up schools for girls a Saint

She was born more than 450 years ago into a society where women had few rights and lived enclosed lives.

Growing up a devout Catholic after the English Reformation also meant being persecuted – her grandmother was jailed and her cousin executed at York.

Despite many obstacles Mary Ward (1585-1645) went on to found schools in 10 European countries where girls could have an equal education to boys.

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She is still relevant today, her supporters say, who want her declared a Saint.

Picture Credit Charlotte Graham 
Picture Shows

Dr Hannah Thomas, Special Collections Manger at the Bar Convent Mary Ward’s C17th paternoster bead

Mary Ward for Saint!
Join the campaign to have this remarkable Yorkshire women beatified by the Catholic Church

•	Mary Ward (1585-1645) is a Yorkshire woman with an international following.
•	An online campaign launches on January 23 as part of Mary Ward Week 2024; the campaign will be used as evidence to support the cause to have her declared a Saint.
•	Mary Ward strived for the equality and dignity of women in religion and education.
•	She paved the way for the first schools for girls in the country to offer an education equal to boys- the second at the Bar Convent, York.
•	Today her vision is thriving in 42 countries and around 200 schools worldwide.
•	Mary Ward is the foundress of the Congregation of Jesus who reside at the Bar Convent York, the oldest living convent in the UK. She is also the foundress of The Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Loreto), founded from York. 

"There is no such difference between men and women that women may not do great things - and I hope in God it will be seen that women in time to come will do much"- Mary Ward, 1617.

Followers and supporters of Yorkshire woman Mary Ward (1585-1645) are launching a campaign to raise awareness and provide evidence for the ongoing case to have Mary Ward officially recognised as a Saint by the Catholic Church. 

The campaign will launch as part of Mary Ward Week 2024 which takes place from 23-30 January to mark the anniversaries of her birth and death. This is an annual global celebration where her followers around the globe pay tribute to her life and achievements, including those who work at the 200 schools worldwide that have been founded in her name. 

Mary Ward is the foundress of the Congregation of Jesus. They reside at the Bar Convent in York which is the oldest living convent in the UK, and part oPicture Credit Charlotte Graham 
Picture Shows

Dr Hannah Thomas, Special Collections Manger at the Bar Convent Mary Ward’s C17th paternoster bead

Mary Ward for Saint!
Join the campaign to have this remarkable Yorkshire women beatified by the Catholic Church

•	Mary Ward (1585-1645) is a Yorkshire woman with an international following.
•	An online campaign launches on January 23 as part of Mary Ward Week 2024; the campaign will be used as evidence to support the cause to have her declared a Saint.
•	Mary Ward strived for the equality and dignity of women in religion and education.
•	She paved the way for the first schools for girls in the country to offer an education equal to boys- the second at the Bar Convent, York.
•	Today her vision is thriving in 42 countries and around 200 schools worldwide.
•	Mary Ward is the foundress of the Congregation of Jesus who reside at the Bar Convent York, the oldest living convent in the UK. She is also the foundress of The Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Loreto), founded from York. 

"There is no such difference between men and women that women may not do great things - and I hope in God it will be seen that women in time to come will do much"- Mary Ward, 1617.

Followers and supporters of Yorkshire woman Mary Ward (1585-1645) are launching a campaign to raise awareness and provide evidence for the ongoing case to have Mary Ward officially recognised as a Saint by the Catholic Church. 

The campaign will launch as part of Mary Ward Week 2024 which takes place from 23-30 January to mark the anniversaries of her birth and death. This is an annual global celebration where her followers around the globe pay tribute to her life and achievements, including those who work at the 200 schools worldwide that have been founded in her name. 

Mary Ward is the foundress of the Congregation of Jesus. They reside at the Bar Convent in York which is the oldest living convent in the UK, and part o
Picture Credit Charlotte Graham Picture Shows Dr Hannah Thomas, Special Collections Manger at the Bar Convent Mary Ward’s C17th paternoster bead Mary Ward for Saint! Join the campaign to have this remarkable Yorkshire women beatified by the Catholic Church • Mary Ward (1585-1645) is a Yorkshire woman with an international following. • An online campaign launches on January 23 as part of Mary Ward Week 2024; the campaign will be used as evidence to support the cause to have her declared a Saint. • Mary Ward strived for the equality and dignity of women in religion and education. • She paved the way for the first schools for girls in the country to offer an education equal to boys- the second at the Bar Convent, York. • Today her vision is thriving in 42 countries and around 200 schools worldwide. • Mary Ward is the foundress of the Congregation of Jesus who reside at the Bar Convent York, the oldest living convent in the UK. She is also the foundress of The Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Loreto), founded from York. "There is no such difference between men and women that women may not do great things - and I hope in God it will be seen that women in time to come will do much"- Mary Ward, 1617. Followers and supporters of Yorkshire woman Mary Ward (1585-1645) are launching a campaign to raise awareness and provide evidence for the ongoing case to have Mary Ward officially recognised as a Saint by the Catholic Church. The campaign will launch as part of Mary Ward Week 2024 which takes place from 23-30 January to mark the anniversaries of her birth and death. This is an annual global celebration where her followers around the globe pay tribute to her life and achievements, including those who work at the 200 schools worldwide that have been founded in her name. Mary Ward is the foundress of the Congregation of Jesus. They reside at the Bar Convent in York which is the oldest living convent in the UK, and part o

The process is being led by Canon Sister Elizabeth Cotter, who explained that canonisation is an ancient way of providing people with role models.

Mary Ward is the foundress of the Congregation of Jesus who reside at the Bar Convent York, the oldest living convent in the UK.

She is also the foundress of The Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Loreto), founded from York.

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An online campaign is launched next week which will be used as evidence towards her canonisation, which will eventually be determined by the Holy See, the government of the Roman Catholic Church.

Picture Credit Charlotte Graham 
Picture Shows

Sr Ann Stafford, Sister Ann Stafford, sister in charge at the Bar Convent with Mary Ward’s C17th crucifix made with ebony

Mary Ward for Saint!
Join the campaign to have this remarkable Yorkshire women beatified by the Catholic Church

•	Mary Ward (1585-1645) is a Yorkshire woman with an international following.
•	An online campaign launches on January 23 as part of Mary Ward Week 2024; the campaign will be used as evidence to support the cause to have her declared a Saint.
•	Mary Ward strived for the equality and dignity of women in religion and education.
•	She paved the way for the first schools for girls in the country to offer an education equal to boys- the second at the Bar Convent, York.
•	Today her vision is thriving in 42 countries and around 200 schools worldwide.
•	Mary Ward is the foundress of the Congregation of Jesus who reside at the Bar Convent York, the oldest living convent in the UK. She is also the foundress of The Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Loreto), founded from York. 

"There is no such difference between men and women that women may not do great things - and I hope in God it will be seen that women in time to come will do much"- Mary Ward, 1617.

Followers and supporters of Yorkshire woman Mary Ward (1585-1645) are launching a campaign to raise awareness and provide evidence for the ongoing case to have Mary Ward officially recognised as a Saint by the Catholic Church. 

The campaign will launch as part of Mary Ward Week 2024 which takes place from 23-30 January to mark the anniversaries of her birth and death. This is an annual global celebration where her followers around the globe pay tribute to her life and achievements, including those who work at the 200 schools worldwide that have been founded in her name. 

Mary Ward is the foundress of the Congregation of Jesus. They reside at the Bar Convent in York which is the oldest living convenPicture Credit Charlotte Graham 
Picture Shows

Sr Ann Stafford, Sister Ann Stafford, sister in charge at the Bar Convent with Mary Ward’s C17th crucifix made with ebony

Mary Ward for Saint!
Join the campaign to have this remarkable Yorkshire women beatified by the Catholic Church

•	Mary Ward (1585-1645) is a Yorkshire woman with an international following.
•	An online campaign launches on January 23 as part of Mary Ward Week 2024; the campaign will be used as evidence to support the cause to have her declared a Saint.
•	Mary Ward strived for the equality and dignity of women in religion and education.
•	She paved the way for the first schools for girls in the country to offer an education equal to boys- the second at the Bar Convent, York.
•	Today her vision is thriving in 42 countries and around 200 schools worldwide.
•	Mary Ward is the foundress of the Congregation of Jesus who reside at the Bar Convent York, the oldest living convent in the UK. She is also the foundress of The Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Loreto), founded from York. 

"There is no such difference between men and women that women may not do great things - and I hope in God it will be seen that women in time to come will do much"- Mary Ward, 1617.

Followers and supporters of Yorkshire woman Mary Ward (1585-1645) are launching a campaign to raise awareness and provide evidence for the ongoing case to have Mary Ward officially recognised as a Saint by the Catholic Church. 

The campaign will launch as part of Mary Ward Week 2024 which takes place from 23-30 January to mark the anniversaries of her birth and death. This is an annual global celebration where her followers around the globe pay tribute to her life and achievements, including those who work at the 200 schools worldwide that have been founded in her name. 

Mary Ward is the foundress of the Congregation of Jesus. They reside at the Bar Convent in York which is the oldest living conven
Picture Credit Charlotte Graham Picture Shows Sr Ann Stafford, Sister Ann Stafford, sister in charge at the Bar Convent with Mary Ward’s C17th crucifix made with ebony Mary Ward for Saint! Join the campaign to have this remarkable Yorkshire women beatified by the Catholic Church • Mary Ward (1585-1645) is a Yorkshire woman with an international following. • An online campaign launches on January 23 as part of Mary Ward Week 2024; the campaign will be used as evidence to support the cause to have her declared a Saint. • Mary Ward strived for the equality and dignity of women in religion and education. • She paved the way for the first schools for girls in the country to offer an education equal to boys- the second at the Bar Convent, York. • Today her vision is thriving in 42 countries and around 200 schools worldwide. • Mary Ward is the foundress of the Congregation of Jesus who reside at the Bar Convent York, the oldest living convent in the UK. She is also the foundress of The Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Loreto), founded from York. "There is no such difference between men and women that women may not do great things - and I hope in God it will be seen that women in time to come will do much"- Mary Ward, 1617. Followers and supporters of Yorkshire woman Mary Ward (1585-1645) are launching a campaign to raise awareness and provide evidence for the ongoing case to have Mary Ward officially recognised as a Saint by the Catholic Church. The campaign will launch as part of Mary Ward Week 2024 which takes place from 23-30 January to mark the anniversaries of her birth and death. This is an annual global celebration where her followers around the globe pay tribute to her life and achievements, including those who work at the 200 schools worldwide that have been founded in her name. Mary Ward is the foundress of the Congregation of Jesus. They reside at the Bar Convent in York which is the oldest living conven

Elizabeth said it was Mary’s very ordinariness that makes her appeal to so many people. "She was driven by the idea that God wanted her to do something that wasn’t acceptable in the church at the time. She was so convinced that this is what she was called to. She faced every obstacle with calmness. She never gave up. There are so many places, Afghanistan, Iran, India, where women are still very much second class citizens. She is a very important role model for us.”

Mary’s views on providing a proper education for girls were way ahead of her time and the Catholic Church opposed her at every step. She was excommunicated and declared a heretic, put in prison and her Institute disbanded in 1631. Once freed, however, she went to Rome where the Pope Urban VIII exonerated her, and allowed her to open a school, sending her food from his own pantry.

She died in 1645 during the English Civil War, having never seen her vision fully realised.

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To be declared a Saint requires a miracle to have happened at Mary Ward’s intercession in the first stage known as beatification. Sister Elizabeth has gathered evidence where someone was cured and is waiting to hear from the Diocese where it happened, before the case can be submitted to Rome.

Picture Credit Charlotte Graham 
Picture Shows

Dr Hannah Thomas, Special Collections Manager at the Bar Convent with Mary Ward’s C17th crucifix made with ebony

Mary Ward for Saint!
Join the campaign to have this remarkable Yorkshire women beatified by the Catholic Church

•	Mary Ward (1585-1645) is a Yorkshire woman with an international following.
•	An online campaign launches on January 23 as part of Mary Ward Week 2024; the campaign will be used as evidence to support the cause to have her declared a Saint.
•	Mary Ward strived for the equality and dignity of women in religion and education.
•	She paved the way for the first schools for girls in the country to offer an education equal to boys- the second at the Bar Convent, York.
•	Today her vision is thriving in 42 countries and around 200 schools worldwide.
•	Mary Ward is the foundress of the Congregation of Jesus who reside at the Bar Convent York, the oldest living convent in the UK. She is also the foundress of The Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Loreto), founded from York. 

"There is no such difference between men and women that women may not do great things - and I hope in God it will be seen that women in time to come will do much"- Mary Ward, 1617.

Followers and supporters of Yorkshire woman Mary Ward (1585-1645) are launching a campaign to raise awareness and provide evidence for the ongoing case to have Mary Ward officially recognised as a Saint by the Catholic Church. 

The campaign will launch as part of Mary Ward Week 2024 which takes place from 23-30 January to mark the anniversaries of her birth and death. This is an annual global celebration where her followers around the globe pay tribute to her life and achievements, including those who work at the 200 schools worldwide that have been founded in her name. 

Mary Ward is the foundress of the Congregation of Jesus. They reside at the Bar Convent in York which is the oldest living convent in the Picture Credit Charlotte Graham 
Picture Shows

Dr Hannah Thomas, Special Collections Manager at the Bar Convent with Mary Ward’s C17th crucifix made with ebony

Mary Ward for Saint!
Join the campaign to have this remarkable Yorkshire women beatified by the Catholic Church

•	Mary Ward (1585-1645) is a Yorkshire woman with an international following.
•	An online campaign launches on January 23 as part of Mary Ward Week 2024; the campaign will be used as evidence to support the cause to have her declared a Saint.
•	Mary Ward strived for the equality and dignity of women in religion and education.
•	She paved the way for the first schools for girls in the country to offer an education equal to boys- the second at the Bar Convent, York.
•	Today her vision is thriving in 42 countries and around 200 schools worldwide.
•	Mary Ward is the foundress of the Congregation of Jesus who reside at the Bar Convent York, the oldest living convent in the UK. She is also the foundress of The Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Loreto), founded from York. 

"There is no such difference between men and women that women may not do great things - and I hope in God it will be seen that women in time to come will do much"- Mary Ward, 1617.

Followers and supporters of Yorkshire woman Mary Ward (1585-1645) are launching a campaign to raise awareness and provide evidence for the ongoing case to have Mary Ward officially recognised as a Saint by the Catholic Church. 

The campaign will launch as part of Mary Ward Week 2024 which takes place from 23-30 January to mark the anniversaries of her birth and death. This is an annual global celebration where her followers around the globe pay tribute to her life and achievements, including those who work at the 200 schools worldwide that have been founded in her name. 

Mary Ward is the foundress of the Congregation of Jesus. They reside at the Bar Convent in York which is the oldest living convent in the
Picture Credit Charlotte Graham Picture Shows Dr Hannah Thomas, Special Collections Manager at the Bar Convent with Mary Ward’s C17th crucifix made with ebony Mary Ward for Saint! Join the campaign to have this remarkable Yorkshire women beatified by the Catholic Church • Mary Ward (1585-1645) is a Yorkshire woman with an international following. • An online campaign launches on January 23 as part of Mary Ward Week 2024; the campaign will be used as evidence to support the cause to have her declared a Saint. • Mary Ward strived for the equality and dignity of women in religion and education. • She paved the way for the first schools for girls in the country to offer an education equal to boys- the second at the Bar Convent, York. • Today her vision is thriving in 42 countries and around 200 schools worldwide. • Mary Ward is the foundress of the Congregation of Jesus who reside at the Bar Convent York, the oldest living convent in the UK. She is also the foundress of The Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Loreto), founded from York. "There is no such difference between men and women that women may not do great things - and I hope in God it will be seen that women in time to come will do much"- Mary Ward, 1617. Followers and supporters of Yorkshire woman Mary Ward (1585-1645) are launching a campaign to raise awareness and provide evidence for the ongoing case to have Mary Ward officially recognised as a Saint by the Catholic Church. The campaign will launch as part of Mary Ward Week 2024 which takes place from 23-30 January to mark the anniversaries of her birth and death. This is an annual global celebration where her followers around the globe pay tribute to her life and achievements, including those who work at the 200 schools worldwide that have been founded in her name. Mary Ward is the foundress of the Congregation of Jesus. They reside at the Bar Convent in York which is the oldest living convent in the

She said Mary Ward “is needed as much by our 21st century world as she was in those dark days of opposition to women in the 17th century” and her beatification and canonisation is “long overdue”.

She said Pope Francis was a fan: “Every time he meets our sisters in Rome he asks: ’Do you have a miracle?” A petition can be signed at Special events will be running at Bar Convent from next week and until February 17.

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