Need for new housing “takes precedence” over green space in Bradford

The need for new housing in Undercliffe “takes precedence” over the need for a stretch of urban green space, planners have decided.

Bradford Council has this week approved an application to build eight homes on a green verge on Spinkwell Close.

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Planners acknowledged the land has “significant visual value” in an area dominated by terraced homes, but said there was an “urgent need” to increase housing in the District.

The application was submitted by a Mr Rauf in December 2019, and has undergone a number of amendments since then.

BRADFORD COUNCIL: Homes plan approvedBRADFORD COUNCIL: Homes plan approved
BRADFORD COUNCIL: Homes plan approved

It is for four pairs of semi detached townhouses that will include off street parking spaces and a new pavement.

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Approving the scheme planning officers said: “There is an urgent need to increase the supply of housing land in the District. This proposal would make a valuable contribution towards meeting that need.

“This space provides a prominent area of openness and visual relief within the expanse of built development in the area.

“The proposal would result in the loss of this prominent area of green space which, whilst of limited recreational value, has significant visual value in terms of openness and makes a positive contribution to the area.

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“However, whilst the space does contribute to the openness of the street scene, it is considered that the requirement for housing should take precedence in this case, in view of the shortage of housing in the area.”