Ministers' praise for driving sentencing report

THE justice secretary and Scottish First Minister have both praised an investigation by The Yorkshire Post which revealed that no killer driver in the UK has ever received the maximum sentence.

Liz Truss MP said the Drive for Justice investigation, from The Yorkshire Post and its sister Johnston Press titles, worked ‘tirelessly’ for victims’ families.

It comes just days after the Ministry of Justice announced killer drivers may face life sentences, launching a public consultation.

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Mrs Truss’s comments came at a meeting with Havant MP Alan Mak who also backed the campaign that has sought to represent bereaved families.

In a statement praising the titles’ work, Mrs Truss said: “Nothing can compensate for the death of a loved one but the Government wants to make sure the punishment fits the crime.”

The Government’s consultation also proposes increasing to a life sentence the maximum punishment for a charge of causing death by careless driving under the influence of drink or drugs.

Mr Mak said: “Killer drivers rip apart families and ruin lives so I am fully behind these new proposals.

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“The pain felt by loved ones will stay with them for the rest of their lives, which is why we need to make sure the punishment fits the crime.”

Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon also endorsed Drive For Justice this week, telling the Scottish Parliament on Thursday: “Those who drive dangerously and kill people ruin lives, not just of those who die but also their family and friends.

“I do think there is a strong case for toughening up the sentences that are available to the courts in these circumstances, and I hope very much that will be the direction of travel the UK Government takes.”