Pizza shop given one-star hygiene rating after wrapping its dough in shopping bags

A pizza shop was slapped with a one-star hygiene rating for wrapping its dough in shopping bags.

Pizza Pronto, in Redcar, has been ordered to make major improvements by inspectors. The Redcar Lane takeaway was hit with the low score after a visit on June 30.

A report has revealed all of the filthy goings on at the pizza shop. One finding was that ready-to-eat sauces were being stored next to raw chicken in a compartment of the display chiller.

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Dough was being wrapped in shopping bags while it was proofing, presenting a clear contamination risk. Trays used to store raw mushrooms were then being used for ready-to-eat sauces, which inspectors were worried could lead to food poisoning.

Pizza Pronto in RedcarPizza Pronto in Redcar
Pizza Pronto in Redcar

Council officers also spied overflowing bins and even found evidence of birds snaffling the food waste. There were also concerns pine-scented disinfectant could taint the food.

A number of areas were identified as being dirty, these included the floor, sinks and wash basins, the walk-in chiller, under the worktops and the outside of plastic containers. A can opener and the underneath of the dough machine could also do with a ‘good clean’.

Pizza Pronto has a varied menu of fast-food options including pizzas, parmos, kebabs and burgers. The owners can request a re-inspection, they can get one for free after three months or will need to pay £150 for a visit sooner.

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At the time of writing, there are no zero-rated food businesses in Redcar but there are four with one star – these are Pizza Pronto, Cleveland Hotel (High Street), Istanbul Shawarma (High Street), and Red Cap (Musters Road).

Pizza Pronto has been contacted for comment.