YP Letters: Can we revert back to Common Market rather than EU?

From: Barrie Crowther, Walton, Wakefield.
What now for Brexit?What now for Brexit?
What now for Brexit?

THE customs union is just another name for a trading area with like-for-like tariffs. Is this just the same as a Common Market? Which is what we voted for in the 1970s. Presumably all the original agreements still exist?

If this is the case, how complicated is it to revert back, without all the complications of a political tie-up? The monetary figures talked about for a complicated new system are mind-boggling. This, the British people’s money is better spent on home soil.

From: David Collins, Scissett.

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WHY all the fuss about “our terms”? The EU should be putting forward a scheme for us to allow them to continue trading with us. After all, we are running a huge trade deficit with the EU.

From: R Hartley, Leeds.

JOHN COLE writes (The Yorkshire Post, May 24) that 28 per cent of those polled said that they don’t think that Brexit is going well so far. Is it surprising when the EU negotiators have no intention of negotiating and that their brief is to “punish” the UK for daring to leave?

They are bullies and should be put in their place – very firmly! Our negotiators have given way on just about everything in order to placate the aggressive, arrogant and un-elected officers of the EU.

I’m sure that, like me, those who voted to leave understood that it wasn’t going to be easy. However, we hadn’t realised how vituperative the EU’s so-called negotiators could be. I bet many a leaver has changed his/her mind having witnessed their behaviour.

From: Don Wood, Howden.

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KEN COOKE states that Brexiteers are naive about the cost of the EU and trade (The Yorkshire Post, May 26). But it is clearly Mr Cooke who does not understand. The figure of £15bn from HMRC is bunkum as this is nowhere near the £20bn (minimum) that we actually hand to the EU every year. As for the Bank of England figure of £900 per household, this is just a reduction of Project Fear’s £4,300 once claimed by George Osborne.

Mark Carney is a Remainer and has constantly spouted anti-Brexit nonsense, and needlessly cut the base rate which is what is causing price rises, as the pound fell due to this stupid action.

Why limit yourself to trade with 27 mainly poor countries in the EU, when you can do free trade deals with all the very rich ones outside of the EU?