He was moved from Highland Wildlife Park to Doncaster’s Yorkshire Wildlife Park, following a recommendation from the European Endangered Species Programme. Hamish’s arrival has been away from the public as the 150-acre park is closed to visitors due to the lockdown. The move took months to plan and involved experienced transport specialists, supported by staff and vets from both parks.

. A big lad for three
Three-year-old Hamish was moved from Highland Wildlife Park to Doncaster’s Yorkshire Wildlife Park

. 400-mile trip
Hamish exploring his new home after a 400-mile trip from northern Scotland to Yorkshire.

5. A lovely bear
Kim Wilkins, the carnivore team leader at the Yorkshire park, said: “He is a lovely bear and I can see he will be very happy here."

6. Endangered species
Hamish moved to the park following a recommendation from the European Endangered Species Programme.

It is hoped Hamish will become friends with the youngest bear already at the park, Nobby.

8. Development
The spacious reserves of the specialist polar bear centre will allow him to develop into an adult.