The event took place on Saturday, May 6 and Sunday, May 7, 2023 in Harrogate and is considered the most popular consumer shooting event in the UK. Last year, more than 21,000 people attended the show which celebrates the best of shooting sports.
Following its success this year, it has been rebranded to become the National Shooting Show, though it will remain in Harrogate in future. It was first held in 2016 and features a wide range of activities from competitions and demonstrations to talks and workshops.
Stable Events managing director, James Gower, said: “The show has come a long way since its inception, and we are thrilled to rebrand it to the National Shooting Show to reflect its growing popularity and nationwide reach.
“We are committed to making the National Shooting Show the ultimate destination for anyone who loves shooting sports, retaining our venue in the north to welcome seasoned professionals or those just starting out. With the support of our partners and sponsors, we are confident that the show will continue to grow and showcase the best of the UK’s shooting industry.”
Stable Events managing director, James Gower, said: “The show has come a long way since its inception, and we are thrilled to rebrand it to the National Shooting Show to reflect its growing popularity and nationwide reach.