Free business training for Yorkshire firms available until July
The Specialist Skills Support Programme (SSSP) offers business support including one-to-one consultancy, group sessions and supportive online learning materials to enable small businesses to realise their potential.
The programme is only available until July 2022, so businesses need to act quickly in order to take advantage.
Find out more and sign up today at
Delivered by the University of York, the scheme supports small businesses in the York, North Yorkshire and East Riding areas through the delivery of three courses which cover the critical issues facing small businesses today. These include how to expand the business market, how to plan for an ageing workforce and how to recruit and develop graduate employees.
All courses are completely free and designed to offer maximum value for limited input; the commitment required from businesses ranges from two hours to three-and-a-half days, depending on the course undertaken – but the benefits to the business could last for years to come.
The programme has supported many businesses ranging from new start-ups to established companies looking to re-evaluate and re-energise their operations.
What they say
Feedback from current participants includes:
"Definitely the best, most informative course I have taken!" Ben Harrison, Kinata Ltd
“This has given our company a real focus for planning our succession.” John Taylor, Country Products.
"Great tips to take forward and areas that I can develop for my business". Louise Scott, Castle Employment
“Thank you for this opportunity, I would recommend it to other graduates” Jessica Humble, Edwards & Pearce
The team at SSSP are supported by respected training coaches Arden Matheson Training Solutions and Promethean Executive Ltd.
“We will support our SMEs vision, build confidence and develop a clear plan of action,” explains Holly Arden from Arden Matheson Training Solutions.
“SMEs will have the opportunity to develop and support each other, learn from each other and build confidence with each other.”
Funding and eligibility
To qualify for the free training on offer, businesses must be a small to medium sized enterprise (SME) based in York, North Yorkshire or the East Riding, employ less than 250 full-time equivalent staff and have a turnover of less than €50 million, or a balance sheet of less than €43 million.
The Specialist Skills Support Programme is part funded by the European Social Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is the Managing Authority for the European Social Fund.
Find out more and sign up for free business support at