Satellite Applications Catapult chooses Leeds Nexus for next stage of national expansion

Satellite Applications Catapult has chosen a new home for the next stage of its national Space Enterprise Lab expansion.

The Space Enterprise Lab at the University of Leeds' innovation hub Nexus will be one of 11 in the country that will work in collaboration with the regional space cluster, Space Hub Yorkshire, as well as organisations and academic institutions across the UK to provide users with access to the latest collaborative technology, resources and expertise.

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Lucy Edge, chief operations officer at the Satellite Applications Catapult, said: “We are delighted to be launching the Space Enterprise Labs at Leeds’ Nexus as we continue to support the growth of the space sector across the UK.

The Space Enterprise Lab at Nexus will be one of only eleven in the country that will work in collaboration with the regional Space cluster, Space Hub Yorkshire.The Space Enterprise Lab at Nexus will be one of only eleven in the country that will work in collaboration with the regional Space cluster, Space Hub Yorkshire.
The Space Enterprise Lab at Nexus will be one of only eleven in the country that will work in collaboration with the regional Space cluster, Space Hub Yorkshire.

"These unique facilities embrace the new hybrid way in which we all now engage, while also offering a safe and secure environment to foster UK-wide space innovation and discussion. Businesses across the UK will now be able to collaborate across a range of high-tech, high-innovation subjects, to bring ideas and customers together more effectively.”

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