Wolds Diary: Nature wings in on my garden in a town where I'm so happy

Red kites put in an appearance on a wonderful walk with the dogs.Red kites put in an appearance on a wonderful walk with the dogs.
Red kites put in an appearance on a wonderful walk with the dogs.
Over the last couple of weeks, I have had to attend what seemed like endless AGMs. I know they are essential but I can always think of better things to be doing.

I’m not very good at quietly sitting and agreeing with things I have no desire to change - thankfully, I think that’s almost of the end of them for this year.

It suddenly dawned on me that a bank holiday weekend was rapidly approaching and when I looked at my cupboards, I realised that I needed to get in some stores, mainly of cat and dog food but also some for me. My diet has almost disappeared since Christmas and I need to get to grips with myself, stop being tempted by chocolate, biscuits and cake, and concentrate of losing some weight.

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There has been some lovely weather this week but at times it has been cold as well. The dogs have enjoyed their walks and I took them up to one of our favourite but rather remote routes and then watched fascinated as the red kites swooped overhead, and the birds in the hedgerows chirped and chattered.

I have a large hedge surrounding my garden and in it are many nests of small birds. I was delighted to see a couple of wrens last week. I have not seen them here before. I also spotted a mistle thrush, a bird I have long admired, as well as the usual robins, three kinds of tits, including long-tailed tits, and of course the blackbirds, finches and starlings. There are field mice in the woods opposite that come and nibble on dropped bird seed.

I cut back the seed heads of the buddleias in my garden before they spread millions of seeds around. Those I have were self-seeded. I am waiting for slightly kinder weather before I plant out the many decorative shrubs I’ve acquired. My fruit trees are well in bud and look to be ready to burst forth with splendid foliage.

I needed to go to York so I first went for a mega shop at the superstore, where I bought all I required not to mention one or two things I hadn’t thought of. One item was a rather swish and comfy looking cat bed. I already have a cat dome, but two cats can’t fit in it.

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From there I went into York on the Park and Ride, and went up to meet my friend from Scarborough, who was helping out at St Crux Church. When I arrived I discovered I knew quite a few of the group already and it was like a friends’ reunion. After a very welcome cup of coffee, a good chat and the chance of purchasing some plum jam (always a favourite of mine), and buying some interesting bookmarks, I returned home.

The cats studiously ignored the quite expensive pet bed and wanted nothing to do with it. Two days later one of them took up residence in it and seems to find it to be very comfortable.

On Good Friday morning I went to sit with my friend while his wife went to organise a morning for the village children. Her husband is far from well so I was glad I could give her a break.

Then it was home to let the dogs out, and I was expecting a friend to call during the afternoon, which he did and later I went to rehearse for the church choir on Easter Sunday.

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There is a massive rugby tournament at Easter, the Pocklington Sevens, which means the town comes alive. It did this weekend.

I spent a lot of Saturday delivering posters about a Spring concert at the church on April 16. I’m looking forward to that as there are many talented musicians playing. Pocklington has a wealth of musical talent. I am so glad I moved here.

I took loads of things to our local tip. One gentleman was trying to pull a huge root clump of bamboo from the boot of his car. I asked if he was throwing it away and when he said he was, we put it in my boot, as it is just what I wanted. I have a corner of the garden that would be just right for it. I even did a bit of gardening once I got home.

Easter Sunday was special. The choir did three anthems, and sang the Hallelujah Chorus as we do every Easter Sunday. There was a very full church and I think we all felt good after the service. I did.

Once back home I sat down to relax, only to wake up about two hours later. It had been a busy week.