YP Letters: PM should watch his back over EU vote

David Cameron's stance on Europe is coming under fire.David Cameron's stance on Europe is coming under fire.
David Cameron's stance on Europe is coming under fire.
From: Bob Swallow, Settle.

DAVID Cameron is hell bent on getting some rules made by the EU changed to favour Great Britain.

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Let us just suppose that he accomplishes 50 per cent of his demands and then possibly as a result of that the vote whenever that is goes in favour of staying in.

Just think what all those who have given way to his demands are going to do. Easy, look to get their own back. The “night of the long knives” will have nothing on it.

And where will Dave be then? Well, easy again, he has announced his intention to give up the position of Prime Minister during this Parliament, leaving his great mate George Osborne to pick up the pieces.

“He who strikes and runs away lives to fight another day”.

From: John Riseley, Harcourt Drive, Harrogate.

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IF the UK agrees to admit 3,000 unaccompanied child migrants currently in Europe, then that will tend to increase the number of unaccompanied children attempting the hazardous Mediterranean crossing which will result in more such children being drowned.

If this happens, then the likes of Jeremy Corbyn and Tim Farron may be excused responsibility on the basis that they lacked the intellect to grasp such logic, though it is more likely that they simply refused to engage their intellect upon such matters. But the Government has already shown itself capable of analysing the problem and so would have no such defence.

The Government could point out that Save the Children told them to adopt this policy which would kill the children. But then they would need to explain why they give £120m a year to an organisation which lobbies for them to do foolish things.

From: Nigel Pearson, Leeds.

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FOR me the entire “Vote Leave” case was summed up in one news item last week, which said that Britain was expected by the EU to take in around 90,000 immigrants this year.

If it refused it would lose its right to send home migrants who should have made their claims elsewhere.

For far too long we have endured a system where shadowy figures in other countries tell us what rights they will allow us or deny us. Thank goodness we will soon have an opportunity to end it.

From: Terry Duncan, Greame Road, Bridlington.

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THE message must be getting through, in view of the Tory Press comments on the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s constant attack on the poor, especially the pensioners.

Week after week we read headlines about George Osborne penalising the honest savers, who have paid their dues.

When is the Prime Minister going to show him the back door of his free Downing Street house? If not, both will be struck off by Conservative supporters – because they have failed to look after hard working pensioners!

From: Mr V Platt, Harrogate.

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IS everybody getting ready and all excited about the forthcoming EU stitch up – sorry, I mean referendum? Already we are beginning to hear weasel words like “renegotiation”, “grabbing back powers”, “clinching a new deal”, just like Harold Wilson in 1974-75. He made a commitment admitting that he had not “got everything he wanted”, but claimed, despite this to have won “big and significant improvements” and then asked “you to vote in favour of remaining in the community”.

What a heart-warming cosy image he painted, like being in a close-knit family of wonderful nations who all love Britain (that’ll be the day) just like David Cameron is going to claim.

He has not got everything he wanted but nonetheless “enough to justify our staying in” and guess what? The great British taxpayers will fall for it all over again.

From: G Wright, Tadcaster.

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WE received through the post the other morning a pamphlet issued by an organisation entitled “Britain Stronger in Europe”.

The banner headline read “Europe and you”. This either shows confusion in the organisation or an attempt to confuse the recipients and to fudge issues. It is difficult to take an outfit seriously if the title it has adopted confuses its objectives, which concerns our continued membership of the European Union not Europe.

On reading the farrago of supposition, figures based on guess work, opinions and half-truths, which constitute most of the missive, one’s misgivings regarding the credibility of this organisation are confirmed.

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The issue of whether the UK should remain in the EU and on what terms is of vital importance to the nation’s future prosperity. Hence the debate deserves a balanced exposition of the pros and cons, in order that we can make an informed judgement. What it should not do is underestimate the intelligence of the public. I hope that no taxpayers’ money has been used to promulgate this blatant propaganda.

and grumble

From: Brian Sheridan, Redmires Road, Sheffield.

THE new editor of this newspaper wishes to be “fully appraised of what Yorkshire expects from The Yorkshire Post” (The Yorkshire Post, January 25).

For starters, this reader would like an editor who understands the difference between “appraised” and “apprised”. I hope that this was just a printing error.