Charity chief executives should take pay cuts due to Covid crisis - Yorkshire Post Letters

Should charity chief executives take pay cuts to help balance the books at their organisations?Should charity chief executives take pay cuts to help balance the books at their organisations?
Should charity chief executives take pay cuts to help balance the books at their organisations?
From: Rob Reeson, Hensall, Goole.

I see that during these difficult times there are an awful lot of charities crying out for donations as some of their main sources of income have dried up due to coronavirus.

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I do have a great deal of sympathy because most are very worthwhile causes, but many of these well-known charities have chief executive officers earning well in excess of £100k per annum.

Whilst I don’t expect these people to work for nothing as many volunteers in charity shops do, I do feel that they are somewhat overpaid. What does anyone else think?

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